
Marco Fürst
Cell aging

Cell aging

The ageing of each cell occurs when the telomeres are shortened, the epidermis thins, cell regeneration slows and cell renewal slows down and collagen gets lost.  The skin and our cells in the body lose elasticity and firmness. Other factors that accelerate cell and skin aging are genes, among others, hormones, UV radiation and pollution, and the formation of free radicals.

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Marco Fürst
Learning from the oldest

Learning from the oldest

Imagine seeing Christopher Columbus crossing the Atlantic Ocean on the Santa Maria in 1492 or the Concorde flying to New York at the speed of sound and still actively participating in today's life. The average lifespan of a Greenland shark is up to 600 years. That's over 500 more years than a human life span and almost 480 more years than the world’s oldest person, Emma Morano, who died at 117. These Methuselahs live in the deep sea. They don't have much sunlight and they don't need to eat as often as other sharks. Greenland sharks are some of the...

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Marco Fürst
There are 4 types of aging

There are 4 types of aging

Michael Snyder, a geneticist, and his team of scientists at Stanford University are researching the reasons why we age. He uses biotechnical methods to study the human body and found astonishing results. There are 4 factors that are decisive for our aging process: Immune system Liver Kidney Metabolism The earlier we know our ageing type, the more effectively we can counteract it. During an initially holistic research project, Snyder focused on 43 volunteers between the ages of 29 and 75 and analysed the changes in their genes, microorganisms, metabolism and blood over a period of years. Snyder and his team...

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